Saturday, December 8, 2007

15 minutes blog of a final good bye

I never imagine that today I would say farewell to two friends. One is a co-worker, and one is a long lost friend. With my co-workers, we had a getaway celebration. Fifteen people were eating sushi until we could not eat anymore. It was the last I will ever see him again, which was sad on many levels. He moved on to a new job and a new place, and I am here. I can live with that, it is perfectly fine.

Then there was this old friend from college. I found his email address in an email that was buried in pile of emails. I send him an instant message saying hello. At least, I thought he would greet me back. Rather he turned blind eyes, switched mode, and pretended that I didn't even exist. How sad was that? What more could I have done, if he chose to walk away? I deleted his contact off the instant messenger. After so many years of finding old friends that I used to talk to, I realized that so many people do not care for friends.

Maybe I am just old fashion.
Maybe I am just too naive.
Maybe I am just insane.
Maybe I am just lonely.
But I have no explanation to why people don't treasure friends, family, and life. You don't need many friends to make you happy, but why turn away from any opportunity?

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